Residential Electric Utility Services

Residential Electric Service

This rate is available to any customer for the Company’s standard service for residential purposes. Where a residence and a business are combined in one premise, the service classification shall be determined by the predominant use at the premise.

Residential Electric Delivery Service

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Residential Electric Space Heating

This rate is available upon application for any residential customer served by the Company under the Residential Electric Service Rate who has permanently installed and is using a heat pump or resistance heating as the primary source of space heating the customer’s premise for residential purposes.

Residential Electric Space Heating

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Outdoor Area Lighting Service

This service is available to any customer located in the Utility Company’s service territory for lighting outdoor areas, where the period of lighting is limited from dusk to dawn. Customers must sign a contract for service and the customer must be located adjacent to Company lines from which such service can be rendered.

Outdoor Area Lighting Delivery Service

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Delivery Service Rates

Delivery Service Rates and the Terms and Conditions of Service are tariffs filed with the Illinois Commerce Commission for use when a customer chooses to purchase electricity, when available, from an Alternative Electric Supplier.

New Applicant

If you have never been an electric customer with MCPU, we will ask you to come to the office at 316 N. Market Street to complete an application for service. All applicants must be age 18 or over and will be asked to provide up to two forms of identification when submitting the application for service.  Information given to Mt. Carmel Public Utility Co. on the application must be accurate and verifiable.   Notification of approval or rejection of an application will be made within two days after receiving all required information.

If you are unable to physically come to our office, please call us at (618) 262-5151 or Toll Free 1-877-262-7036 and we will make reasonable accommodations so that you may complete the application for service.

Acceptable Forms of Identification
New applicants for service are required to provide up to two forms of proper identification to connect service. At the time of the application, you will need a current and valid driver’s license or State issued I.D. card.  Applicants may be asked to provide one other form of identification, including but not limited to any of the following: 

Additional Information required
You also need to provide the following information when applying for service: 

If there is more than one adult over the age of 18 living in the residence and who will be responsible for the account, each applicant for service may be required to provide identification. Only persons who have signed the application for service, or someone designated in writing, will be allowed access to account information.

Third party applications may be made only by persons who have been authorized to act on behalf of the applicant, and MCPU must verify this authorization either by documentation or by direct contact with the applicant. 

New applicants for service are not required to make a deposit for connection of service if:

Fuel Adjustment Charge (FAC)

In addition to the standard rates, your bill will include a Fuel Adjustment Charge (FAC) each month. The incremental cost per kilowatt-hour is calculated each month based on the cost of energy and transmission purchased on behalf of the customers served by Mt. Carmel Public Utility Co.

The FAC for the current month is $0.094260.


MARCH $0.082120$0.082510
APRIL $0.069480$0.073330$0.053100$0.054040$0.056710
MAY $0.093630$0.084660$0.057820$0.047450$0.051430
JUNE $0.079540$0.078130$0.076520$0.057200$0.052340
JULY $0.093540$0.083730$0.089800$0.061890$0.056640
AUGUST $0.097140$0.089580$0.096310$0.069260$0.066160
SEPTEMBER $0.092980$0.093330$0.094050$0.062300$0.059410
OCTOBER $0.090990$0.086700
NOVEMBER $0.069930$0.072960$0.06789$0.043440$0.041250
DECEMBER $0.079440$0.067340$0.07532$0.050630

Former Electric Utility Customer

If you are a former electric customer or have been an electric customer in the past, you may not need to visit our office to establish service. You may call (618) 262-5151 or Toll Free 1-877-262-7036 to verify that we have the information we need to reinstate you as a customer in our service territory.

You may not be required to visit our office to establish a new account if:

If there is more than one adult over the age of 18 living in the residence and who will be responsible for the account, each applicant for service may be required to provide identification. Only persons who have signed the application for service, or someone designated in writing, will be allowed access to account information.

Third party applications may be made only by persons who have been authorized to act on behalf of the applicant, and MCPU must verify this authorization either by documentation or by direct contact with the applicant.

Under certain circumstances, MCPU may require an applicant for service to make a deposit.

The requirement of a deposit and the amount needed to connect service are determined in compliance with IL Admin Code Part 280 and equal two times the average monthly electric bill at the location to be connected.

Deposits earn interest while they are held by the utility company. The interest rate is established annually by the Illinois Commerce Commission. Interest will be credited to your account on the deposit anniversary date.

Deposits are refunded in full following a period when the account has a satisfactory payment history during any 12-month period.

New Home Construction
As you plan the design and construction of your new home, we understand there are many decisions to make. Among them are decisions about how you will bring power to your home and what heat source you will use. Our Service Department has years of experience assisting homeowners with both overhead and underground electric installations and determining the costs associated with natural gas and electric heating sources. Call us at (618) 262-5151 or Toll Free 1-877-262-7036 and we will set up a time to meet with you and provide you with assistance.